2010-02-01 09:09:43

Targeted Distribution Eases Aid Chaos in Haiti

(01 Feb 10 - RV) The U.S. military says it will resume bringing Haitian earthquake victims to the United States aboard its planes for medical treatment.

The airlifts stopped last Wednesday as federal and state officials debated who should pay for their care. Doctors warned scores of people would die if the flights did not resume soon.

Meanwhile, 10 Americans face a court hearing later today after their arrest on suspicion of trafficking children.

The five men and five women from an Idaho-based charity deny wrongdoing in trying to take 33 children to the neighbouring Dominican Republic without documents. It appears that the children were not orphans.

On a more positive note, food distribution to quake survivors, went more smoothly yesterday after the launch of a coupon system that targets women as recipients of the rations.

Connor O’ Loughlin of Caritas Ireland, spoke to us from Port-Au-prince about ongoing efforts in aid distribution which has been chaotic at times in recent weeks: RealAudioMP3

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