2010-01-14 13:02:08

Pope Benedict XVI Address to Directors of the Province of Rome and Lazio

(January 14, 2010) Pope Benedict XVI in his address to the Directors of the Province of Rome and Lazio on Thursday, 14th of January in Rome spoke about the crisis that has affected the world economy which had its consequence on Rome and Lazio that has given them the opportunity to rethink their development strategy. He said that: “The human person, in fact, is at the centre of political and its moral and spiritual growth which should be the primary concern for those who are called to administer the civil community.” Referring to his Encyclical Caritas in veritate the Pope said “that human development must be a genuine concern for mankind in its totality and must be realized in charity and truth.” The Pontiff then expressed his appreciation for their efforts to care for the most vulnerable and marginalized of society, with a view to promoting a more just and fraternal coexistence. Speaking on the promotion of the common good, the Pope said that the education of new generations, who are the future of the region, is a predominant concern that the Public Administration shares with the Church. For several years there has been the coordination to meet the increasingly urgent demands of young people and have sought appropriate educational responses to it. The Pope added that today in particular there is need to stress the themes of affectivity and sexuality, so important for life, that the Church asks the cooperation of everyone, especially those working in schools, to educate the young in these areas. Finally, Pope Benedict drew their attention to the world of sickness and suffering. Health facilities, he said are so numerous in Rome and Lazio, which provide an important service to the community. Their professional and generous dedication and care shall be the supreme criterion of those working in this field.

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