2010-01-06 12:47:07

Fr. Donald De Souza Re-elected AUC National President

(January 6, 2010) In the recently held National Assembly of the Apostolic Union of Clergy (AUC), Father Donald H. R. De Souza of Lucknow was re-elected as the AUC national president for a second term of three years. The Assembly was held at the Cluny Provincialate in Bangalore in November last. Several diocesan directors, the international president Father Julio Botia of Columbia, Bishop Freddy D’Souza of Jhansi and Auxiliary Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Delhi attended the meeting. Father Subhash Anand of Udaipur, former professor at Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth in Pune was the resource person. The AUC is an international movement founded about 150 years ago for the sanctification of diocesan priests in and through their specific ministry and life. The organisation is present in over 70 countries and in 110 dioceses in India.

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