2009-11-25 14:24:01

UN marks International Day for elimination of violence against women

(Nov.25,2009): United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, on Wed. (Nov. 25), in his message for the International Day for the “elimination of violence against women,” said there has been significant progress, as many countries have adopted laws and action plans to fight this evil, but much more needs to be done. Ban said that in every country, women and girls continue to be plagued by violence, causing tremendous suffering. He said such violence undermines development, generates instability and makes peace much harder to achieve. Ban stressed that we must demand accountability for the violations, and take concrete steps to end impunity. We must listen and support the survivors of violence, he added.
“Our goal is clear,” said the UN Secretary General. “We must bring an end to these inexcusable crimes – whether it is the use of rape as weapon of war, domestic violence, sex trafficking, so-called “honour” crimes, or female genital mutilation. We must address the roots of the violence, by eradicating discrimination and changing the mindsets that perpetuate it. Noting that women worldwide are keeping families, communities and nations together, Ban’s message called on everyone to reaffirm their commitment to women’s human rights. Let is invest more resources in countering violence against women, and do everything possible, to end theses horrific assaults once and for all, concluded Ban’s message.
“My commitment to this issue stems not just from my position as UN Secretary-General, but also as a son, husband, father and grandfather,” Ban later told a news conference in New York. . “Men have a crucial role to play in ending such violence, as fathers, friends, decision makers, and community and opinion leaders,” he added.

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