2009-08-06 15:45:43

Hiroshima Mayor for a nuclear-free world by 2020

(Aug.06,2009): 64 years after the first nuclear attack in human history, the Japanese mayor of Hiroshima , has demanded the complete abolition of nuclear weapons by 2020. At least 50 thousand people gathered in the city, hit by a U.S. atomic bomb on 6 August 1945, leaving a total of 140 thousand people dead and destroying the city completely. A few days later on Aug. 9 the Nagasaki met the same fate.
In the presence of Prime Minister Taro Aso and representatives from different nations, Hiroshima’s Mayor Tada-koshi Akiba, said that "the abolition of nuclear weapons is not only the desire of the survivors, but also the majority of peoples and nations on this planet.” He praised the U.S. President, Barack Obama, who. on several occasions has stressed the need for a world without nuclear weapons. The Japanese Mayor said "We call ourselves the 'Obamajority' and ask the rest of the world to join us to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2020." Premier Taro Aso said that Japan will be on the "first line" in the international community to abolish nuclear weapons and for peace.

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