2009-03-04 14:48:17

“Be witnesses of God’s love & hope for a better Humanity” Pope tells youth

(March 04,2009): “Be witnesses of God’s love to help build a future of hope for all Humanity,” is the focal point of Pope Benedict XVI’s message released on Wednesday, in preparation for the 24th World Youth Day – WYD, to be celebrated worldwide at the diocesan level on Palm Sunday, April 5. “The question of hope is truly central to our lives as human beings, and our mission as Christians, especially in these times”, says the Papal message and adds “Youth - is a special time of hope because it looks to the future with great. expectations.”
The International WYD is scheduled to take place in the Spanish capital Madrid in 2011. In preparation for that international event, the Pope’s message takes for 2009 a saying of St. Paul “We have set our hope in the living God.” And for 2010, a reflection on the question put to Jesus by the rich young man “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal Life”?
The Papal message says the crises of hope is more likely to affect the younger generations, some of whom in these difficult times of unhappy family situations, and other problems, seek refuge in drugs and alcohol. Experience shows that idolizing money, material goods, career and success are mere false illusions. They are not enough to guarantee the hope, which the human spirit is constantly seeking. Stating that the evident loss of direction that marks our societies is because of ignoring God, the Pope calls on young people to make space for prayer in their lives and be faithful disciples of Christ. The Church depends on you for this demanding mission, he says.
Pope Benedict encourages youth not to be discouraged by difficulties they may encounter. He calls on them to follow the example of St. Paul, who after his encounter with the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, changed his life radically. During this Jubilee Year dedicated to Apostle Paul - on the occasion of his 2000th anniversary of his birth, let us learn from him, how to become credible witnesses of Christian hope, Pope Benedict says in his message, and assures the young people that he remembers them all in his daily prayers.

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