2009-02-14 13:29:07

Pope Benedict XVI’s Discourse to Bishops of Nigeria during the Ad Limina visit

(February 14, 2009) “Expansion in the Church calls for special care in diocesan planning and the training of personnel through ongoing activities of formation in order to facilitate the necessary deepening of the faith of your people,” said Pope Benedict XVI. He was speaking to the Bishops of Nigeria at their Ad Limina visit to Rome, on February 14th. Ad Limina visits are the five yearly visits of the Bishops to Rome to visit the relics of the Apostles and to give a complete report of their diocese to the Holy Father. Speaking of the expansion of the church in Nigeria the Pope said: “This is especially visible in the number of new Christians who have received Christ into their hearts and accept joyfully the Church as “the pillar and bulwark of the truth.” The abundant priestly and religious vocations are also a clear sign of the work of the Spirit among you.” Then the Pope added, “Expansion in the Church calls for special care in diocesan planning and the training of personnel through ongoing activities of formation in order to facilitate the necessary deepening of the faith of your people,” particularly in prayer, liturgy, sacraments and catechesis. The celebration of the liturgy is a privileged source of renewal in Christian living, he said. Speaking on the Synod of Bishops in Africa, the Pope said “The coming Synod of Bishops for Africa will address among other themes the topic of ethnic unrest.” He also warmly appreciated those priests who have accepted the mission outside their own region and linguistic groups. About the formation, the Holy Father said, “Wise and discerning selection of seminarians is vital to the spiritual well-being of your country. Their personal formation must be assured through regular spiritual direction, sacramental reconciliation, prayer and meditation on Sacred Scripture.” At the same time he stressed on the Bishop’s task of sustaining the important social and ecclesial reality of marriage and family life. The Pope then insisted their service to the nation, their commitment to interreligious dialogue especially with Islam, where with patience and perseverance, strong relations of respect, friendship and practical cooperation are being forged with other religious people.

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