2006-11-15 15:09:06

Großbritannien: "Historische Begegnung"

Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte haben die katholische und die anglikanische Bischofskonferenz von England und Wales eine gemeinsame Sitzung abgehalten. Ein Statement sprach hinterher gestern abend von einer "historischen Begegnung". Die Teilnehmer in Leeds hätten sich darauf verständigt, dass sie auch Differenzen "ehrlich" angehen wollen.

(rv 15.11.06 sk)

Lesen Sie hier das Statement im englischen Originalwortlaut:

   STATEMENT on the occasion of the Bi-lateral meeting between the Catholic Bishops’ Conference and the Church of England   
   House of Bishops, Leeds November 14th/15th

The Church of England House of Bishops and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales are joining together for a bi-lateral meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds, on November 14 - 15th.

The bishops are being chaired by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.

The meeting, fraternal in character, is based on shared prayer, discussion and a desire for further development of their shared Christian witness. Their reflections are being resourced by the work of the International Anglican – Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM), whose report is expected to be published in 2007.
Statement from Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, and Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor.

“This historic meeting, forty years on from the visit of Archbishop Michael Ramsey to Pope Paul VI – the meeting from which the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission dialogue flowed – marks a further development in the warm relations that exist between the Anglican and Catholic Bishops in England and Wales. Many of us already meet together regularly at regional and local meetings, and are involved in a wide range of shared projects.

“We recognise the importance of working together to present a shared Christian witness to our society, and acknowledge the importance of working with other Christian denominations, and with those of other faiths to take forward the common good in society.

“This meeting is a significant sign of our mutual commitment to dialogue and joint witness based on our common faith. It underlines our responsibility to work together as partners in mission and service to the people of our country. The mission given to us by Christ obliges and compels us to engage more deeply and widely in this partnership in mission, grounded in dialogue and shared prayer.

“Our Christian faith is rooted in our common baptism. However, our communion remains imperfect. 

“Our enthusiasm for dialogue means that we must be honest in addressing issues on which we disagree. This is possible when we hold to the Gospel. We trust in the Holy Spirit to inspire our pilgrimage to unity and common mission.”

The meeting was held in line with the mandate of the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (Communion in Mission Mississauga, May 2000: see notes to editors below). IARCCUM is a joint commission of bishops responsible to the Anglican Communion and the Holy See for finding practical ways to express the fruits of the dialogue between Anglicans and Roman Catholics. Its mandate draws on the recommendations of the Anglican-Roman Catholic Joint Preparatory Commission in Malta, in 1968.

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