(Vatican Radio) Venezuela`s President Nicolas Maduro says a Police Helicopter has attacked the Supreme Court, but a hurled grenade failed to explode.
Listen to James Blears report:
Gunfire was clearly heard as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was live on television in the Presidential Palace in the Capitol, Caracas. He says a blue Police helicopter fired down upon the Supreme Court, but fortunately a dropped grenade failed to ignite. He referred to the incident as a terrorist attack.
Investigations have discovered the helicopter was piloted by a man called Oscar Perez. In a released film on internet, flanked by four masked men carrying semi automatic assault rifles he`s urging rebellion against what he terms is the tyranny of President Nicolas Maduro. Security Forces are searching for him and his accomplices. Meanwhile, President Maduro is demanding that the official opposition known as MUD, condemn the attack. He says the Air Force was scrambled on to high alert.
This incident shows the increasing instability of the situation in Venezuela in the lead up to the July Elections, following President Maduro`s Mayday Announcment of a new Constituent Assembly, which will counteract the powers of the opposition dominated National Assembly.
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