(Vatican Radio) The Day for Life is being celebrated this Sunday in England and Wales. It’s aim is to raise awareness about the meaning and value of human life at every stage and in every condition.
This year Pope Francis has sent a message in support of the initiative.
Pope's Message
In it he invokes “the protection of Our Lady, and entrusts to her, the Mother of the Living, the cause of life.” The Holy Father also, “begs her intercession that those who believe in her Son may continue to bear witness to life, and together with all people of good will, contribute to a culture of truth and love.”
The Bishop for the Day for Life is John Sherrington, Auxillary Bishop of Westminster. He spoke to Lydia O’Kane.
“I find the Pope’s message very encouraging and it’s very important, said Bishop Sherrington, adding, “it really brings a focus to help us pray for those women who have lost children, whether it’s through, miscarriage, still birth or abortion and also it’s a way of repeating again the Pope’s wonderful message of mercy and the compassion of God that reaches out to every person whatever their situation.”
Prayer and support
The Bishop noted that the day itself “provides and focus for prayer but also we take a second collection in our Churches” which he said gives support to various pro-life charities.
Asked how parishes can support women facing life changes decisions and situations, Bishop Sherrington said that they need to be “ready to pray.. and secondly to look at ways in which they can practically work with charities or with groups to provide a point firstly to listen, then to consider practical responses.”
The Day for Life in England and Wales will be celebrated on Sunday 18th June.
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