(Vatican Radio) The Vatican's Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development announced on Tuesday it is hosting an "International Debate on Corruption" to be held at the Casina Pio IV on Thursday, 15 June.
In a communique, the Dicastery said this will be the first such event to reflect on the global problem of corruption.
"The group brings together Christians and non-Christians, ecclesiastical and institutional figures, magistrates, police representatives, members of movements and organizations, victims of crime, journalists and intellectuals. Several ambassadors accredited to the Holy See will also attend the meeting".
At the conclusion of the Debate, participants will visit the Sistine Chapel and the Room of the Segnatura as a way of highlighting, "through the beauty of artistic heritage, the importance of the function of education in the commitment to justice and against corruption."
The communique also points out that a book-interview by Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Dicastery, with Vittorio V. Alberti will be published on the same day (15 June) and will include a preface by Pope Francis.
The Dicastery has also opened social media accounts where people can participate in the discussion. Both a Twitter handle (@MichForJustice) and a Facebook page (Michelangelo for Justice) were created for the occasion, and people are invited to interact by using the hashtag #MichelangeloForJustice.
Further information can be obtained via e-mail at nocorruption@humandevelopment.va
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