Angola’s Archbishop Emeritus of Lubango, Archbishop Zacarias Kamwenho celebrated this year’s Pentecost Sunday in the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Lubango.
In his homily, Archbishop Kamwenho told the faithful that the celebration of Pentecost was about the renewal of their commitment to building a better society and community, according to the charisms of the Holy Spirit.
"When we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, what happens to us is that we release the Holy Spirit (received during the Sacrament of Confirmation). This is precisely the same Holy Spirit that the Apostles received and which they transmitted to us. We now have the responsibility of passing it on to others. The Holy Spirit, in turn, asks of every one of us to build a better society or community -right where we live," Archbishop Kamwenho said.
Upon reaching the age of 75, in 2009, the Pope accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the Archdiocese of Lubango presented by Archbishop Kamwenho in accordance with canon. 401 § 1 of the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law.
In 2001 Archbishop Kamwenho acted as mediator in the Angolan Civil War between MPLA and UNITA. For his role in the peace process, he was named co-winner of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought by the European Parliament in 2001.
(Radio Vatican/Radio Ecclesia, Angola)
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