2016-07-30 15:59:00


Gesù desidera cuori veramente consacrati, che vivono del perdono ricevuto da Lui, per riversarlo con compassione sui fratelli.
Jesus wants truly consecrated hearts that live by His forgiveness and share it compassionately with their brothers and sisters.
Jesús quiere corazones realmente consagrados, que viven del perdón que han recibido de él, para derramarlo con compasión sobre los hermanos.

Gesù cerca cuori aperti e teneri verso i deboli, mai duri; cuori docili e trasparenti.
Jesus seeks hearts that are open and tender toward the weak; hearts that are not hard, but docile and transparent. 
Jesús busca corazones abiertos y tiernos con los débiles, nunca duros; corazones dóciles y transparentes.

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