(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has condemned the terrorist attack in Nice, France, which on Thursday night killed at least 84 people.
“We have followed during the night, with the greatest concern, the terrible news which has come from Nice,” said the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, SJ.
“We want to make known, on the part of Pope Francis and ourselves, our sharing and solidarity in the suffering of the victims and all the French people, in what was supposed to be a great day of celebration,” –Father Lombardi continued – “We condemn in an absolute manner every manifestation of homicidal folly, hatred, terrorism, and attacks against peace.”
The terrorist drove a heavy truck at high speeds into a crowd that had just watched a fireworks celebration. The truck was finally stopped after travelling two kilometres, and the driver was killed in a shootout with police.
The attack comes eight months and a day after gunmen and suicide bombers from the so-called Islamic State struck Paris on November 13, 2015, killing 130 people. Four months ago, Belgian Islamists linked to the Paris attackers killed 32 people at a Brussels airport.
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