2016-07-02 11:32:00

Philippines: Church to cooperate, but remain vigilant as Duterte sworn in as President

(Vatican Radio) The Catholic Church of the Philippines "intends to cooperate" with the new President Rodorigo Duterte for the good of the people but, at the same time, "remains vigilant." Msgr. Socrates Villegas, president of the Filipino bishops (CBCP), said at the beginning of the mandate of the Head of State who, in several statements, has expressed controversial judgments on the work of the Church.

“Pursuing the same vision as Filipinos and as Catholics, we will be vigilant because vigilance is the great price for freedom… We will offer our critique and denounce error but kindly look at us, not as enemies wanting governments to fall, but as brethren and friends wishing politics to succeed,” added Msgr. Villegas said on Thursday.

Duterte was sworn in at noon on Thursday in Manila, declaring before a Supreme Court justice that he would "preserve and protect" the constitution, which analysts say will likely see major changes during his six years in office. Crowning a rise from little-known mayor to leader of a huge nation, Duterte came to power after a landslide election victory in May, 2016.

Nicknamed "The Punisher", Duterte  overthrew the political establishment, promising a "bloody war" on crime and action on corruption. At his inaugural speech he promised to make sweeping changes to the country's political system. "I see the erosion of the people's trust in their country's leaders," he said. "The erosion of faith in our judicial system. The erosion of confidence in the capacity of our public servants to make the people's lives better, safer and healthier."

Duterte is credited with a dramatic reduction in crime in Davao, but rights groups say it was at the expense of human rights. There are already concerns being raised over an increase in vigilante mobs and Philippine experts almost uniformly warn that one of the greatest risks of the new Duterte presidency is the rise of paramilitaries.

But reiterating, his point that politics is a ‘gift of God’, the president of the CBCP emphasizes that politics can preserve the peace and promote the progress of society. Hence, the regret that due to the institutional representatives politics “ has become not a mine of gold and diamonds but a filthy septic tank of waste and dirt. It happens because men and women use politics for their enrichment and not for the good of others.” A phenomenon progressed over time, said Msgr. Villegas, and has caused a slow erosion of values ​​and virtues getting compromised.

“Politics becomes dirty and filthy when there is administration without accountability. Public servants are employees of the people”, said Msgr. Villegas

“Administration without accountability leads to another filth which is governance without godliness. There is separation of Church and State and that is a law that both religion and government must respect. But there must be no separation between God and man. Governor Espino is our governor but Christ alone is our King. When governance has no ethics and plays blind to the precepts of godliness, politics starts to stink,” Msgr. Villegas emphasized.

Calling politicians to live exemplary lives of integrity, the prelate further said “Speeches are easy to write and smooth to deliver but what society needs now are not eloquent speakers but inspiring examples of life. Let lifestyle be inspiring. Let private lives shine forth as examples of integrity. When lives become examples, speeches become more empowering.”

Finally expressing hope Msgr. Villegas said “Can politicians be saints? Yes. Kings have become saints serving their kingdoms. Politics can be a mine of sanctity for leaders and their peoples. Politicians are called to be saintly like all of us.”

Elected on 9 May this year, Duterte, is known for his "iron fist" against crime, the new president has already announced plans to reinstate the death penalty in the country. Moreover, on several occasions, he has attacked the Catholic Church, calling it "the most hypocritical institution" in the world and has criticized its work in defense of life and against the use of contraceptives.

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