(Vatican Radio) Independent flight data has revealed that smoke alerts were triggered aboard the downed EgyptAir MS-804 passenger plane shortly before it crashed. The finding comes after the Egyptian navy reportedly found debris from downed aircraft around 290 kilometres north of Alexandria.
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Investigators are no closer to discovering the reason EgyptAir flight MS804 suddenly disappeared from radar into the Mediterranean Sea enroute to Cairo from Paris Wednesday night, killing all 66 people aboard.
Unconfirmed flight data emerged late Friday indicating that an automatic system called the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System showed smoke alerts in the bathroom were triggered just before the plane crashed.
Two US officials also told Reuters news service an electronic sensor system had detected a disturbance outside the plane around the time it began falling from cruising altitude.
One of the officials said the smoke alerts and disturbance may have been caused by a sudden breakup or from some kind of mechanical fault or a possible explosive device.
Meanwhile, search teams have identified wreckage from the EgyptAir Airbus 320 including personal belongings and passenger seats.
Search teams have not yet identified the bulk of the wreckage or a location signal from the ‘black box’ flight recorders, which will provide the best clues for the cause of this mysterious crash.
Though experts have ruled nothing out, no terrorist group has yet claimed responsibility for the downing of the plane.
Pope Francis sent a telegramme expressing his condolences to the President of Egypt.
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