(Vatican Radio) Two new features have been added to Vatican Radio’s website to make content access easier for our listeners who are visually challenged.
From the beginning of August you will be able to press the TAB key and an icon will appear on the top left-hand corner of the webpage, taking you directly to the content and to the site menu.
This will enable quick and simplified browsing of the all categories on the website: Pope Francis, Vatican, Church, World News, Features, etc.
Launching the initiative, Vatican Radio Director, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi said “it may not seem like big news, but in fact it is very significant because it highlights our commitment to render the Pope’s messages accessible, not only to the general public – but from a qualitative point of view – to serve groups of people who may experience difficulties in listening or in browsing the web.
“Vatican Radio – Father Lombardi continued – has a long and wonderful tradition in this sense and is committed to keeping it up and developing it”.
The two new features can be accessed by:
- Press TAB + ENTER to access content
- Press TAB repeatedly to browse and then press ENTER in correspondence of the
selected category
Summing up: with the TAB key the user can move within the website; ENTER selects the desired article and audio.
Important: to be able to make use of the links it is necessary to have a “plug in” installed in the computer or an application such as Chrome Vox.
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