(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on Monday afternoon, to mark the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the World Day for Consecrated Life – exactly one year ahead of the close of the Year for Consecrated Life, which opened on the First Sunday of Advent.
The blessing of the candles preceded the Mass – the candles that are sign and symbol of that Light, which is Christ, Himself – and then the liturgy began with a candle-light procession into the basilica, as the choir intoned the antiphon: Christ, light unto the Nations, and glory God’s people, Israel.
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The focus of the Holy Father’s homily was the virtue of obedience, keystone of the religious life. “In persevering along the path of obedience,” said Pope Francis, “personal and communal wisdom matures, and thus it also becomes possible to adapt rules to the times – for true aggiornamento is the fruit of wisdom forged in docility and obedience.”
Pope Francis concluded his homily with an exhortation, directed especially to all those in consecrated life: “Let us bring others to Jesus, but let us also allow ourselves to be led by him. This is what we should be: guides who themselves are guided.”
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