2014-05-04 12:17:22

Pope Francis: Regina coeli appeals for Ukraine, Afghanistan

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis appealed for peace in Ukraine on Sunday. Speaking to the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the midday Regina coeli prayer (which replaces the Angelus at Eastertide), The Holy Father said, “I would like to invite you to entrust to Our Lady the situation in Ukraine, where tensions continue unabated.” The Holy Father went on to say, “I pray with you for the victims of recent days, asking that the Lord instill sentiments of peacemaking and brotherhood in the hearts of everyone.”

Pope Francis also asked prayers for the victims of the massive landslide that killed more than 2 thousand people in an Afghan village near the border with Tajikistan on Friday of last week. “Let us pray also,” he said, “for those who died because of the huge landslide that struck two days ago in a village in Afghanistan.” Pope Francis went on to pray, “[May] Almighty God, who knows the name of every one of the victims, welcome all in His peace, and give survivors the strength to go forward, with the support of those who seek to alleviate their suffering.” Listen: RealAudioMP3

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