April 30, 2014: The Pope’s general Prayer intention for the month of May is “that
the media may be instruments in the service of truth and peace”. In his message for
the 48th annual World Communications Day, Pope Francis challenges us to consider how
the media can either create understanding and unity or divide people. He asks, “How
can we be ‘neighbourly’ in our use of the communications media?” His answer is : “We
need to recover a certain sense of deliberateness and calm. And this calls for time
and the ability to be silent and to listen.” Communication is not simply about talking
but also listening and recognizing that, even if we disagree with the person speaking,
he or she is our neighbour. “Nowadays,” Pope Francis writes, “there is a danger that
certain media condition our responses so much that we fail to see our real neighbour.” As
an example of good communication, Pope Francis proposes the story of the disciples
on the road to Emmaus. The disciples are closed in on themselves and their own ideas
but Jesus listens and gently shares with them the truth about the messiah. Their hearts
are set on fire by the truth and burn with love. Their dialogue with Jesus leads to
a deeper encounter with him, when they recognize him in the breaking of the bread.
During the month of May, let us pray that the media may serve the truth and not manipulate
people and promote half-truths or lies. May it help people to enter into dialogue
with one another, so that the foundations for peace may be laid.