Delight of the Asian countries at the dual canonization
April 26, 2014: A statue of John Paul II will be unveiled during a mass to be held
in the afternoon of April 26 in the Chaldean church of the Virgin Mary Queen of the
Rosary in Baghdad. The Patriarch, Mar Louis Raphael I Sako will preside at the
mass says AsiaNews. Several thousand Lebanese are in Rome for the event, with
President Sleiman and Patriarch Rai. Memory of Pope John Paul II’s visit to the Land
of Ceders is still alive in people’s hearts. The Lebanese feel particularly close
to John Paul II, after his visit to the country in 1997. Digital technology is
coming to the rescue of many Filipinos eager to take part in the historic canonization
of two Popes but unable to "take the road that leads to Rome" due to travel costs.
The Polish Pontiff is dear to the heart of Filipinos, for World Youth Day in Manila
in 1995 had drawn millions of people. The Catholic Church in Indonesia is getting
ready for the canonization of two Popes, with joy and participation; many events
have been planned to celebrate John XXIII and John Paul II. The organization of celebrations,
religious services and the square parties have been planned to witness live to an
"unforgettable" event.