Women recount the stories of healing through intercession of popes
April 25, 2014 - ‎Ahead of the canonization of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II
on Sunday, people are recounting stories how they have been healed through the intercession
of the two Blesseds. People said Floribeth Mora Diaz was crazy to think Blessed John
Paul II interceded with God to heal her brain aneurysm, but if so, "then it is a blessed
craziness, because I'm healthy," she told reporters at the Vatican. The 50-year-old
Costa Rican woman spoke at a news conference on Thursday, just three days before the
sainthood ceremony. Pope Francis accepted her healing as the miracle needed for the
canonization of the Polish pope. At the same news conference, Daughter of Charity
Sister Adele Labianca gave her eyewitness account of the healing of Sister Caterina
Capitani, the nun whose healing in 1966 was accepted as the miracle needed for the
beatification of Blessed John XXIII. Pope Francis waived the requirement of another
miracle for his canonization. Even though both women have told their stories hundreds
of times, they were emotional before an international gathering of reporters at the
Vatican. Sister Labianca said she had to read her testimony from a prepared text because
she was certain she would forget something. Mora Diaz simply let her voice tremble.
(Source: CNS)