South Korean cardinal tells Catholics to 'put love into action'
April 21, 2014 - South Korean Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung urged Catholics to imitate
the Korean martyrs and "bravely put love into action." In his Easter message, released
April 18, the cardinal who is Archbishop of Seoul, also prayed "for those suffering
from pain either materially or spiritually,” and invoked abundant blessing on their
separated brothers in North Korea. Citing Pope Francis, the cardinal warned that
“a heart occupied by the desire to … possess things,” is empty of God. In the society
where people place their security in the goods of this world, we Christians should
continue to share and love,” Cardinal Yeom urged. “We bring to Heaven only that which
we have shared with others; and security - definitive security - is in God," he said.
The cardinal reminded people to work for peace "by embracing and understanding those
who think differently from us." He reminded people that the apostles were "ordinary
people who were uneducated, timid and weak; they deserted their teacher and ran away
when Jesus was arrested and persecuted." Yet after the resurrection, he said, when
they received the Holy Spirit, "they gave testimony of the resurrection of Christ
with all their hearts and with all their souls and with all their strength and with
all their minds." 8Source: CNS)