Small children mark Way of the Cross in Bangladesh
April 09,2014 : "Jesus died for our sins , and that's why we love him". In this spirit,
259 children in Bangladesh took part in a Way of the Cross, accompanied by three priests,
four sisters and 51 animators. The representation of Christ's Calvary took place as
part of a special day dedicated to holy childhood. The children actively participated
in the program, before singing a few hymns and then staging the Way of the Cross.
"I love Jesus - one little girl, Mim Gomes, told AsiaNews - and I can feel his suffering
, when he was killed for our sins . I have fasted and prayed for him during Lent"
the little girl added. Sister Mary Treshita of the Sisters of Mary Queen of
Apostles (SMRA), was one of the organizers of the program. She invited the children
to "follow Jesus and keep his message in your hearts". According to the religious,
the children "loved staging the Way of the Cross, because it encourages them to love
Christ". Source: AsiaNews