2014-04-09 12:54:00

Nichols: partnership with police to combat human trafficking

(Vatican Radio) Police chiefs from countries around the world arrive in the Vatican on Wednesday for a conference aimed at strengthening the partnership with the Church to combat human trafficking.
The conference, which is being hosted by the Vatican’s Academy of Sciences on April 9th and 10th, has being organised by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales. Pope Francis will meet with participants at the close of the conference, which builds on an initiative between the police force and the Catholic Church in London that has been running for the past three years.

Survivors of human trafficking will also be telling their stories, since this joint initiative seeks to keep the welfare of victims at the heart of all law enforcement efforts. This goal will be summarised in a global declaration of commitment from all police chiefs present at the end of the meeting.

To find out more about this second such international gathering, Philippa Hitchen spoke with the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols who will be chairing the two day conference…

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What we want to do is explore the way in which the pattern of cooperation between the Church- particularly religious women - and the Metropolitian Police is having a beneficial effect in the struggle against human trafficking....so we want to offer what's being done in London as something of a model for cooperation in other parts of the world, especially in the big cities....

You know human trafficking is the second most profitable crime in the world.....what the Church has to offer is this robust network, especially of religious women, and we can pit that against the international network of human traffickers...

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