April 8, 2014: Pope Francis received King Abdullah II of Jordan in audience at the
Domus Sanctae Marthae on the afternoon of April 7. The Pontiff will celebrate Mass
at a stadium in Amman, Jordan’s capital, at the beginning of his three-day apostolic
journey to the Holy Land in May. The Holy See Press Office described the 40-minute
meeting, which took place over tea, as “cordial and not formal.” The king “had the
opportunity to reaffirm the sentiments with which the Jordanian people are preparing
to welcome the Pope” as well as his “collaboration in the commitment to peace and
interreligious dialogue.” “I also gratefully acknowledge the particular consideration
that he shows towards the Christian community in Jordan,” the Pope said. “This spirit
of openness not only helps the members of different ethnic communities in this country
to live together in peace and concord, but it has contributed to Jordan’s farsighted
political initiatives to build peace throughout the Middle East.” He added.