Pope distributes free copies of Gospels, recalls Rwanda genocide
April 07, 2014 - Pope Francis on Sunday distributed thousands of free pocket-sized
Gospels to a vast crowd gathered in St. Peter’s square to recite the weekly midday
“Angelus” prayer and receive his blessing. The special edition with the four Gospels
and the Acts of the Apostles, is the Holy Father’s incentive to encourage Christians
to read and meditate on the Word of God often. Last Sunday he suggested that all
should have a little copies of the Gospels to carry about and read often. Thinking
about the ancient tradition of giving the Gospel to catechumens preparing for baptism,
the Pope said he was offering them a pocket-sized gospel. They will be distributed
to you freely,” the Pope explained. “Take one, carry it with you: it is truly Jesus
who speaks to you,” he urged. “This is the word of Jesus!” Those skeptical about
the free gift and want to pay, the Pope made a deal with them. “In exchange for
this gift, do an act of charity, a free gesture of love for another: a prayer for
a friend, a reconciliation, something.” Whether in a book or on a smartphone or
tablet, said the Pope later, “the important thing is to read the word of God, with
all means, but read the word - it’s Jesus who speaks there! And welcome it with an
open heart. So the good seed bears fruit!” “Jesus can heal deadened hearts,” the
Pope added. The pontiff’s “Angelus” reflection focussed on the episode of Jesus’
raising Lazarus from the dead, which he said is a sign of Jesus’ own resurrection
and the hope for our eternal life. The Pope explained that Jesus’ resurrection invites
us “to get out of the tomb into which our sins have caused us to collapse, making
us content with a false, selfish, mediocre life. “Let us be free from the ‘bandages’
of pride,” Pope Francis urged, saying we do it when we decide to obey the command
of Jesus, coming to the light, to life.” After praying the “Angelus”, the Pope
expressed his fatherly closeness to the people of the Rwanda who on Monday, April
7, marked the 20th anniversary of the terrible 100-day genocide in which
over a a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed. The Pope encouraged Rwandans
“ to continue, with determination and hope, the process of reconciliation that has
already manifested its fruit.” “Don’t be afraid!” the Pope appealed, “Build your
society on the rock of the gospel, in love and in harmony, because only in this way
can you build lasting peace!” The Pontiff also recalled the earthquake that shook
the Italian town of Aquila five years ago on April 6, killing almost 300 people,
injuring 1,500, and leaving nearly 65,000 homeless. “At this time we want to unite
ourselves with that community which has suffered so much, and still suffers, struggling
and hoping, with great faith in God and in the Virgin Mary.” He also went on
to pray for the victims of the Ebola virus that is spreading in Guinea and neighboring
countries. “May the Lord sustain the efforts to combat this epidemic and provide care
and assistance to all those in need.”