April 04, 2014 - The new office bearers of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Indi
(CBCI), the apex body of the Catholic Church in the country, gathered together for
the first time on Thursday for a 2-day meeting at the CBCI headquarters in New Delhi.
They were elected during the 31st plenary meeting in Palai, Kerala, 5-12
February 2014. New CBCI President, Cardinal Baselios Cleemis, who is head of
the Syro-Malankara rite Catholic Church, emphasised the richness and diversity of
the Church in India. “Though Christians in India are a numerical minority, basing
on the values of Jesus Christ we serve, the people of our country recognise and appreciate
our contribution in various fields of service,” he said. Cardinal Cleemis, the Major
Archbishop of Trivandrum said, “India has space for everyone. Our primary mission
is to transmit the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to the whole of India beyond caste
and community.” He urged all Catholics to pray for the success of the India’s general
election, 7 April to 12 May. We should also pray for the Church in India so that
we continue to strive to build up the Kingdom of God, he said. During the two-day
meeting, the Office bearers held a brief interactive session with the Secretaries
of the CBCI Offices and priests of Caritas. Cardinal Cleemis thanked the various
offices of the CBCI for their dedicated service to the Church in India. He urged the
need to preserve unity of purpose and collaboration among the various functions and
services to be effective. He expressed the resolve of the new office bearers to accelerate
and carry forward the process of restructuring of the CBCI initiated a number of years