April 3, 2014: Northern Chile was hit with yet another powerful earthquake late Wednesday,
prompting evacuations and tsunami alerts along the coast and in neighbouring Peru.
No deaths or casualties were reported as a result of the 7.8-magnitude quake and,
by Thursday morning, the tsunami alerts were called off.
But it still left
Chileans emotionally rattled having followed so closely on the heels of Tuesday’s
8.2-magnitude quake, which killed six people and damaged close to 3,000 homes. Nearly
928,000 people were evacuated
Responding to the human loss and physical destruction
caused by Tuesday’s quake, Pope Francis sent a telegram to Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati,
archbishop of Santiago, expressing his affection and closeness to the Chilean people.
of the message of Pope Francis sent to the archbishop of Santiago, Cardinal Ricardo
Ezzati: "I am saddened very much with the news of the earthquake that caused deaths
and injuries, property damage and numerous displaced persons in your beloved country.
Through you, I wish to send to all Chileans my closeness and my affection. I pray
to God that He grant eternal rest to the people who died, granting consolation to
those who have suffered the effects of so sad a disaster and at the same time may
He inspire feelings of hope for all, in the face of adversity.
I strongly recommend Christian communities, civil institutions and people of good
will, to provide effective help to the people involved, with a generous spirit and
fraternal charity in these painful moments. I invoke on all, the loving protection
of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and as a token of cordiality and affection to the noble
people of Chile, who are so present in my heart, I impart to all my Apostolic Blessing. Francis,
Vatican, April 2, 2014.
Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, who toured the
region Wednesday, praised local authorities for responding in an "exemplary manner"
to a powerful earthquake and the tsunami that followed. "This is a great example to
all of us that when we work together in an adequate manner and we when we follow the
plans that have been established in the region, we work well," Bachelet said. Chile
is in one of the most earthquake-prone regions in the world.