April 3, 2014: On Thursday, Pope Francis promulgated decrees declaring three saints
by accepting a miracle each through their intercession. The Holy Father received in
audience Cardinal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes
of Saints and extending the liturgical cult of the following blesseds to the universal
Church, inscribing them in the book of Saints:
-Francois de Laval, French
bishop of Quebec, Canada (1623-1708). -Jose de Anchieta, Spanish priest of the
Society of Jesus (1534-1597).(Pictured) -Maria de la Encarnacion (nee Marie
Guyart), French (1599-1672).
The new Saints were raised to the altars by a
process called “equivalent canonization.” In such cases, the Pope waives the usual
judicial process and declares that a blessed’s liturgical cult is extended to the
universal Church. The same practice was adopted by Pope Francis for the canonization
of Angela Foligno (9 October 2013) and Peter Faber (17 December 2013). He also authorised
the Congregation to promulgate the decrees concerning other causes of Blesseds and
servants of God.