April 02, 2014 - Every week on Wednesday, the Pope holds his general audience, where
he delivers a catechesis on some spiritual or social issue. The public meeting is
an opportunity for pilgrims and tourists visiting Rome to be able to see and hear
the Pope, and also receive his blessing. The general audience of April 2, was held
in the open in Rome’s St. Peter’s Square. It began with aides reading a passage from
the Letter of St. Paul to the Ephesians in several languages. Listen:
Francis then delivered his main discourse in Italian - summaries of which were read
out by aides in various languages, including in English. With his reflection on marriage,
he concluded his series on the Sacraments. But first, the aide greeted the Pope on
behalf of the English-speaking pilgrims. Listen:
Dear Brothers and Sisters: Today we conclude our catechesis on the sacraments with
the sacrament of Matrimony, which brings us to the very heart of God’s loving plan
for the human family. The Triune God created us – men and women – in his image and
calls us to mirror the mystery of his love. Married couples carry out this vocation
in a full and definitive communion of life. As “one flesh”, they become living icons
of God’s love in our world, building up the Church in unity and fidelity. Christian
marriage also reflects the mystery of Christ’s own faithful and sacrificial love for
his body, the Church. Christian spouses thus receive a special consecration and a
special mission. While a noble vocation, marriage is not an easy one: it must constantly
be strengthened by a living relationship with the Lord through prayer: mornings and
evenings, at meals, in the recitation of the Rosary, and above all through the Sunday
Eucharist. Today let us pray for all families, especially those experiencing difficulties,
so that by God’s mercy they can always be joyful models of faith, love and generous
service in our communities.
Pope Francis then greeted the English-speaking
pilgrims in Italian. Listen:
I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience, including those
from England, Wales, Denmark, Norway, Malta, Japan, Canada and the United States.
I am pleased to welcome the Catholic Health Care Federation from the United States
and the priests of the Institute for Continuing Theological Formation at the Pontifical
North American College. Upon all of you, and upon your families, I invoke joy and
peace in Christ our Lord. (BLESSING)