2014-02-21 13:36:07

February 22, 2014

The Pope and the People - A report on the weekly general audience of Pope Francis with pilgrims from across the world.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols - Philippa Hitchen interviews the Archbishop of Westminster Vincent Nichols, one of the nineteen men to get the red hat from Pope Francis at the Consistory on Saturday, Feast of the Chair of Peter …
All things cardinal - A linguistic explanation as to why the Pope ‘creates’ cardinals with our popular 'Latin Lover', Carmelite Father Reginald Foster.
The United States and Vatican II - Historian Jesuit Father Gerald Fogarty affords us an historical perspective on the reception of Vatican II in the United States
Father Faber : the most prolific of hymn writers - Another in the series 'Music to Watch Angels by...a heavenly hymn book compiled by Monsignor Philip Whitmore. '

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