2014-02-14 15:50:55

Pope says walking ahead, being a lamb and joy are three marks of a Christian

February 14, 2014 - A Christian is the disciple of the Lord who is always walking, forging ahead. One cannot imagine a Christian who stops, as one who stops is sick in his Christian identity. Pope Francis drove home this point in his brief homily at Mass Friday morning in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican. He was reflecting on the day’s Gospel where St. Luke speaks about Jesus sending out 72 others to proclaim the good news. Hence, the Pope said the first identifying mark of a Christian is to walk even if there are difficulties, overcoming them and going beyond. Jesus exhorts his disciples to go to the crossroads and invite everyone, both good and bad. Another identifying mark of a Christian, the Pope said, is remaining a lamb always. The Lord sends us out as lambs among wolves, but one must never become a wolf. At times one could be tempted to outsmart wolves by using force against them, but the Pope said a Christian must always remain a lamb – however not a stupid lamb, but a lamb with the Christian cunning. “If you are a lamb, God defends you. But if you feel strong as a wolf, He does not defend you,” the Pope said. The third aspect of the Christian identity, the Pope pointed out is joy, which is born from knowing the Lord. Even in difficulties, mistakes and sins, the Holy Father pointed out, there is the joy of Jesus, knowing He always forgives and helps. Those who lament about everything and are sad don’t do any good to the Lord or to the Church. Announcing the Gospel with joy is the lifestyle of the Christian, the Pope added.

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