2014-01-14 12:20:56

Australia's ambassador reflects on diplomatic speech

(Vatican Radio) Upholding religious freedom, combatting human trafficking and taking better care of the environment: those were just some of the key areas of concern for the Church, highlighted by Pope Francis in his speech to the diplomatic corps on Monday.
In his words to the ambassadors, gathered for the traditional New Year’s greeting, the Pope called for a culture of encounter and dialogue as the basis for resolving the conflicts and political tensions that continue to afflict people in countries around the world today. He also reiterated the Church’s focus on the family, especially the young and the elderly, as well as on the poor and most marginalized members of society.
Among those listening to and reflecting on the Holy Father’s words was Australia’s ambassador to the Holy See, John McCarthy, who shared his impressions with Philippa Hitchen:

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In terms of the overall tone, it’s one of hope and of rededication to the fundamentals of Christian civilization, with references to the family, to refugees, to the environment, to religious freedom and peace….
In terms of content, it should be all seen in the context that this has been a busy 8 weeks for the Holy Father, beginning with the Apostolic Exhortation…there has been a major address by the Holy Father on human trafficking, one on religious freedom, his Urbi et Orbi Christmas message and his World Day of Peace Message…..
There is packed information on these themes here, all in the language we’ve become familiar with…..he talks again about the culture of encounter, about the throw-away culture and again about the need for reciprocal respect between different religious faiths and civilisations…..

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