U.S. bishops raise funds for Church in Latin America
(Vatican Radio) The annual collection of the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops (USCCB) for the Church in Latin America will be held 25-26 January.
2014 campaign highlights the faith of Latin America and the many opportunities we
have to share faith with them,” reads the communique. “We also recognize the tremendous
benefit of having them in the Church and the revitalization their fervor brings to
the faith. In addition to offering our help and support to the Catholics of Latin
America, we have much to learn from them.”
The collection dates back to 1965,
when during the last session of the Second Vatican Council, the U.S. bishops approved
an annual national collection to support pastoral projects of the Church in Latin
America and the Caribbean.
The USCCB Subcommittee for the Church in Latin America
allocates the funds among 25 countries in Central America, South America and the Caribbean.
Priority is given to evangelization and catechetical programs, as well as to mission-related
activities that promote a personal encounter with Jesus and discipleship.