(Vatican Radio) Kenya’s Catholic doctors officially launched a professional association
this past week. Cardinal John Njue, archbishop of Nairobi, gave the address on behalf
of the Kenya Episcopal Conference at the launch on 24 December.
The Church,
he said, invites the members of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association to live the
invitation of Christ in Mt 5: 13-16 to be the salt of the earth.
“Dear Catholic
doctors,” he said, “allow yourselves to be enlightened by the Gospel so that your
eyes of faith may penetrate the misleading attraction of the world that proclaims
anti-life principles and courageously stand and be counted.”
“The Catholic
Church calls upon her faithful and all people of good will to appreciate the gift
of life and safeguard it from the moment of conception to natural death,” he said.
“The Catholic Church will therefore continue to urge its professionals, especially
in the medical and health care areas, to be vigilant and to stand up for the moral
principles and standards, as willed by God and promoted by the … Church.”
Njue said the episcopal conference would continue to support the members of the association
through chaplaincy and assistance “in all questions that will add value to your professional
In conclusion, he invited the Catholic doctors “to rise, witness and
evangelize the medical and health care world”.
“Christ has called you and
He will strengthen you,” he said. “In all your joys and sufferings in the defence
of the dignity of the human person and sanctity of life, turn the Beatitudes into
your personal prayer and see Christ in every step of the way.”