Patriarch Twal: Jesus tells us "Peace is possible"
(Vatican Radio) The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, celebrated Christmas
Midnight Mass in Bethlehem, at the Basilica of the Nativity.
In his homily,
Patriarch Twal recalled the many crises and conflicts around the world. But, he said,
“But we must never give in to despair, because Jesus, our Saviour has told us that
peace is possible, that the flame of hope remains alive, that justice and reconciliation
will come.”
Below, please find the complete text of Patriarch Fouad Twal’s
homily at Midnight Mass in Bethlehem: Homily Christmas 2013
“Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”
(Lk 2:14)
President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister, Rami Al Hamadallah, Honorable
Nasser Judeh, Jordan’s Foreign Minister, Honorable Ambassadors and Consuls, My
Brothers in the Episcopate and representatives of Churches Dear Pilgrims and Faithful,
the Grotto of Bethlehem, I express my best wishes for peace and joy!
Mr. President,
thank you for coming tonight to celebrate Christmas with us. We pray for you and for
your mission in finding a just and equitable solution to the present conflict, for
Palestinian unity, for the peace and prosperity of your country. We ask God to grant
you wisdom and courage. We also pray for all government leaders of the Middle East,
especially for His Majesty King Abdullah Il Ben Al-Hussein of Jordan and guardian
of the Holy Places in Palestine.
Dear brothers and sisters,
eve was a deep crisis for the Holy Family, “because there was no room for them in
the inn” (Lk 2:7). That historic night reminds us of the long night into which our
world and the Middle East are plunged.
The world is living through a long night
of wars, destruction, fear, hate, racism and, at the present time, cold and snow.
From this Holy Place, we remember all the adversities in our world: from civil wars
in Africa to the typhoon in the Philippines, the difficult situation in Egypt and
in Iraq, the tragedy playing out in Syria and not to forget our own problems here:
the prisoners and their families who hope for their release, the poor who have lost
their land and their homes demolished, families waiting to be reunited, those out
of work and all who suffer from the economic crisis.
Oh Child of Bethlehem,
we are weary! In the face of this painful reality, we pray in the words of the Advent
hymn: “Vide Domine afflictiónem populi tui… See, Lord, the affliction of your
people. Send, Lord, Him that you must send, send the Lamb (…) that he may Himself
deliver us from the yoke of our captivity.”
But we must never give in to
despair, because Jesus, our Saviour has told us that peace is possible, that the flame
of hope remains alive, that justice and reconciliation will come. It is from Bethlehem
that the message of Salvation came; and we turn our gaze towards Bethlehem. For on
this night is renewed the divine promise, sung by the angels: “Glory to God in
the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk 2:14)
are invited to be optimistic and to renew our faith that this Land, home of the three
monotheistic religions, will one day become a haven of peace for all people.
to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Lk 2:14)
peace of Christ is universal and founded in justice. It leads us to recognise each
person as a creature of God. It is a peace that is life-giving. No one has the right
to kill in the name of God. “For this reason, I appeal forcefully to all those
who sow violence and death by force of arms: in the person you today see simply as
an enemy to be beaten, discover rather your brother or sister, and hold back your
hand! Give up the way of arms and go out to meet the other in dialogue, pardon and
reconciliation, in order to rebuild justice, trust, and hope around you! From this
standpoint, it is clear that, for the world’s peoples, armed conflicts are always
a deliberate negation of international harmony, and create profound divisions and
deep wounds which require many years to heal.” (Pope Francis, Message for the
47th day of the World Day for Peace, 7)
In the Holy Land, we are living a conflict
that does not seem to have a solution in the short term and which weighs heavily on
the inhabitants of the Holy Land.
This painful reality raises numerous questions
concerning our future in this country and causes us much worry. We need the answer
of faith. The answer lies neither in emigration nor in closing in on ourselves. It
consists in staying here and in living and dying here. Our Land is holy and deserves
our attachment to it, for our presence in this land is a divine vocation, a blessing
and a privilege. The flame of faith burns strongly here, like the star of the Magi,
to guide us. We need the comfort that comes from our absolute faith in the Providence
of God: “who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage
those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are
encouraged by God.” (2 Cor 1:4)
The light of the faith can illuminate every
aspect of our life, our present and our future. Faith intensifies our vision, more
deeply, more sublimely and more widely than the human eye can capture. We see modestly,
in a sense, as God Himself sees! Consequently, faith is a kind of wisdom that enables
us to make the right decisions at the right time. “Yet in the absence of light
everything becomes confused; it is impossible to tell good from evil, or the road
to our destination from other roads which take us in endless circles, going nowhere.”(Lumen Fidei,3).
That God is all-powerful, all-knowing, faithful he
loves us, strengthens our faith. That is why, nothing should frighten us, neither
the present, nor the future, nor the troubles that affect our Middle East.
Holy Child, who experienced the flight into Egypt after the threat from Herod, who
two thousand years ago killed the children of Bethlehem, have mercy on our children,
and all the world’s children. Have mercy on prisoners, on the poor, the marginalized,
and the most vulnerable among us. On this night, we pray for the bishops and religious
abducted in Syria. We pray for their return and their dignity may be restored. Remember
them, Lord, together with all the refugees. Give them a sign of hope for a better
future, that they may return to their country and their homes.
Oh Holy Child,
God of goodness and mercy, look with kindness on the Holy Land and on our people who
live in Palestine, in Israel, in Jordan and all in the Middle East. Grant them the
gift of reconciliation so that they may all be brothers – sons of one God.
Holy Child, we beg for peace through the intercession of your Mother the Holy Virgin
Mary, daughter of our Land.
Merry Christmas and may the blessing of the Infant
of Bethlehem be upon you.