(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday met with the children members of Italy’s Catholic
Action, probably the most widespread Catholic lay organization in the country.
Holy Father met with the young people to exchange Christmas greetings. He called
the youth branch of Catholic Action a “beautiful reality”, and encouraged them to
always be the “living stones of the Church, united with Jesus.”
He told them
Christmas is the celebration of God, who comes among us, and saves us.
birth of Jesus is not a fable,” said the Pope. “It is true history, which happened
in Bethlehem two thousand years ago . Faith makes us recognize that Child , born of
the Virgin Mary, as the true Son of God, who for our sake became man.”
Francis said in the face of the baby Jesus, we contemplate the face of God, who is
not revealed in power, but in the weakness and fragility of a newborn.
loves you; he wants to be your friend. He wants to be friends with all young people,”
said the Holy Father. “Are you convinced ? ... Good! If you are convinced , then
surely you know how to transmit the joy of this friendship everywhere: at home, at
church , at school, with friends ...and you will know the witness of kindness of true
Christians: ready to lend a hand to those in need without judging others.”