(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday canonized one of the earliest Jesuits, Fr.
Peter Faber (1506-1546), a close companion of St. Ignatius. At an audience with the
Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, the Pope
“extended the liturgical cult of Blessed Peter Faber to the Universal Church . . .
inscribing him in the catalogue of the saints.” Listen:
Peter Faber
was born into a poor family, near Savoy, France, in April 1506. An ardent student,
he eventually studied at the Sorbonne in Paris, where he shared a room with Ignatius
of Loyola and Francis Xavier. He was ordained to the priesthood in July 1534 and,
one month later, celebrated the mass on 15 August, during which Ignatius’ first seven
companions took vows.
He taught Scripture at the Sapienza University in Rome,
where he often argued against Lutheran doctrine. In 1541, he participated at a colloquy,
which took place in Worms, Germany, and later at the Colloquy of Ratisbon (Regensburg),
both attempts to restore Christian unity after the Protestant reformation by theological
discussion. He also travelled for several years through Europe, preaching in Italy,
Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and Portugal, before being called to Madrid to
participate as a theologian at the Council of Trent. However, on his way, he got gravely
ill and died in Rome, on 1 August 1546, at the age of 40.
Pope Pius IX beatified
him in 1872.
During the audience, Pope Francis also authorized the Congregation
to promulgate several decrees concerning various causes for sainthood.
Congregation recognized a miracle attributed to the Venerable Servant of God Miriam
Teresa Demjanovich (1901-1927), a professed Sister of the Congregation of the Sisters
of Charity of Saint Elizabeth. She lived her entire life in New Jersey in the United
Decrees were also issued regarding the heroic virtues of the Servant
of God Emanuele Herranz Establés (1880-1968), a diocesan priest in Spain and the founder
of a female religious order, the Esclavas de la Virgen Dolorosa; and of the
Servant of God George Ciesielski (1929-1970), a Polish layman and father of a family.