Peter Faber, SJ: discovering the Church's newest Saint
(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Tuesday evening signed a decree canonizing Blessed
Peter Faber, SJ. Faber was born on April 13th, 1506. A Frenchman, he was
a founding member of the Society of Jesus and the first of St Ignatius Loyola’s fledgling
company to be ordained a priest. He was a key instrument in the efforts to bring Germans
back to the fullness of the faith following the Lutheran reformation. Although he
was a theologian of repute, Bl. Peter Faber did not relish theoretical disputation
– preferring instead to emphasize reform of the interior life and discipline of the
affections. The man now venerated as St Peter Faber was a careful listener and sensitive
confessor who was also a master conductor of the signature Spiritual Exercises of
St Ignatius. The head of Vatican Radio’s German language section, Fr Bernd Hagenkord,
SJ, told us this is the characteristic of St Peter Faber that most resonates with
him. Listen to our interview with Fr. Bernd Hagenkord, SJ: