Pope Francis: Time Magazine 'Person of the Year' 2013 - The Head of
the Vatican Press Office, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi shares with us the Pope’s
reaction to this tribute. Pope Francis : hunger is a scandal - Pope
Francis on Wednesday spoke out against the scourge of hunger .Veronica Scarisbrick
reports .. Photos to denounce poverty - When the images of an exhibition
communicate more than words... Advent: a time of expectancy - Advent
is probably the most pleasant but most misunderstood season in the Church year, says
Monsignor Peter Fleetwood. One Roman 'bambinello' - As Pope Francis
is about to bless the 'bambinelli' for the Christmas crib on Sunday, you can join
us on a visit to a Church which houses one such figurine... Antiphons for
a time of hope - From the 17th to the 23rd of December, there's a beautiful
plainchant antiphon to sing at Vespers says Monsignor Philip Whitmore in this musical
meditation for the third Sunday in Advent.