(Vatican Radio) Anyone who utters Christian words without putting them into practice
hurts oneself and others, because they are based on pride and cause division in the
Church. Those were the Pope’s words during his homily at Mass this Thursday morning
at the Casa Santa Martha. Lydia O’Kane reports Taking his cue
from Thursday’s liturgy, Pope Francis explained that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for
knowing the commandments, but not implementing them in their lives. They are "
good words," he said, but if they are not put into practice "not only do they not
serve us, but they hurt : they deceive us , they make us believe that we have a beautiful
home, but without a foundation” . The Holy Father went on to say that the Lord
is our foundation. Our rock is Jesus Christ. Continuing on this theme Pope Francis
underlined that “a Christian word without Christ at its centre leads to vanity, to
pride, power for the sake of power.” The Lord, said the Pope, breaks down these people
who believe themselves to be the Rock. The Holy Father affirmed during his Homily
that we would " do well to examine our own consciences” to see whether our Christian
words are indeed Christ centred because when they are not, he said, they divide us
from ourselves and divide the Church. Pope Francis concluded his Homily by saying
“let us ask the Lord to help in this humility, to speak words rooted in Jesus Christ.