(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis said on Sunday that the day will come when nations will
live in peace. He said it will be a great day in which weapons will be dismantled
and transformed into instruments of work: “What a great day it will be”. And this
– Pope Francis said – is possible. "Let’s put a bet on hope” – he continued – on hope
for peace, and peace will be possible.
Listen to Linda Bordoni's report...
Speaking to
crowds of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Sunday Angelus, the Pope
recalled the passage from the prophet Isaiah who speaks of a time when swords will
be broken into plows and nations will live in peace.
And reminding those present
that this Sunday marks the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new liturgical
year, the Pope pointed out that this is a season that renews “the horizon of hope”.
He encouraged the faithful to rediscover the beauty of being on a journey towards
the encounter with Jesus and called for the gift of peace.
And as the first
Sunday of Advent this year also falls on World Aids Day, the Pope did not fail to
make a strong appeal so that all patients affected by the disease may have access
to the care they need.
“We express our solidarity with the people affected
by HIV/Aids, especially children, and we express our closeness to the many missionaries
and health operators who work in silence. We pray for everyone, also for physicians
and researchers. May every sick person, without exception, have access to the care
he or she needs".