2013-04-20 18:41:54

Pope brings new impetus of holiness and truth: Card. Ouellet

Vatican City, 20 April 2013: The Pontificate of Pope Francis brings a "new impetus of holiness and truth, of communion and evangelization, charity and solidarity, as a quantum Christian leap in all the Catholic communities in Latin America" wrote Cardinal Marc Ouellet, President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, to the Latin American bishops.

The message comes at the completion of a month of the pontificate of Pope Francis, the ‘first Pope who comes from Latin America’, an ‘event unprecedented in the history of the Church.’
For this, reaffirmed the cardinal, ‘the Christian communities and peoples of the continent must feel particularly close to this child and pastor whom God has called to be the successor of Peter.’ Cardinal Quellet proposed in the Latin American region, called the ‘continent of hope’, to run a ‘prayer campaign’ for the Pope. He said that the words and example of the Pope show ‘to all the countries of Latin America and around the world’ a" merciful closeness, particularly attentive to the needs, sufferings and hopes of the people, especially the poor and the suffering, to whom he communicates the salvation of Christ.

Card. Ouellet invited the Latin American bishops to look into the meaning of ‘continental mission that Pope Francis certainly has at heart’. ‘What does it mean - he wrote - for the Church on the continent, to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth’. These questions, added the President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America, are "unavoidable, that are worth a very serious reflection" by all the bishops.
Finally, Card. Ouellt asked all the bishops to keep ‘an affective and effective communion with the new Pontiff.’
Source: VR Sedoc

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