2013-03-12 15:30:26

Papal transition: Missa pro eligendo pontifice

(Vatican Radio) The College of Cardinals celebrated the Missa pro eligendo pontifice on Tuesday morning at ten o’clock in St Peter’s Basilica. Wearing red vestments, their pace deliberate, the College of Cardinals processed into the Basilica as the schola solemnly intoned the entrance antiphon taken from Psalm 27: “The LORD is the strength of His people, a saving refuge for the one He has anointed.” Almost the entire membership of the College concelebrated the Mass, over which the Dean of the College, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, presided. Listen: RealAudioMP3

Cardinal Sodano also delivered the homily, in which he expressed gratitude for the leadership of Pope Benedict XVI, arousing prolonged and thunderous applause. The body of his homily focused on three major themes: the message of love; the message of unity; and the mission of the Pope. Cardinal Sodano described the Petrine office as peculiarly ordered to the service of the unity of the Church. He also discussed how Peter and his successors are called to preside over the Church in charity – in love. “The basic attitude of every Shepherd is therefore to lay down one’s life for his sheep,” he said.

“This also applies to the Successor of Peter, Pastor of the Universal Church. As high and universal the pastoral office," continued Cardinal Sodano, "so much greater must be the charity of the Shepherd.” Cardinal Sodano went on to say that in an exemplary way, the most recent Popes have been builders of many good initiatives for people and for the international community, tirelessly promoting justice and peace. “Let us pray,” he said, “that the future Pope may continue this unceasing work on the world level.”

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