2013-03-02 12:04:25

Ban Ki-Moon: Benedict leaves legacy to build upon

(Vatican Radio) Benedict XVI’s wisdom, commitment to interfaith dialogue and promotion of human rights are among the highlights for United Nations Secretary General Ban Kin-Moon of the pontificate that came to a quiet end 28 February.

On Friday, Ban told Vatican Radio about his appreciation for the recently retired pontiff.

“We are very much grateful for his spiritual guidance and leadership, which he …demonstrate(ed) as Pope,” he remarked.

“I have expressed in my letter to His Holiness my deepest appreciation and respect for his profound commitment of Pope Benedict to interfaith dialogue and to addressing such global challenges as the alleviation of poverty and hunger, as well as (the) promotion of human rights and dignity, and peace and harmony of the world,” he continued.

“I sincerely hope that his wisdom demonstrated during his pontificate may stand as a legacy on which to build further dialogue and tolerance so that we all will be able to live in a world of peace and harmony,” he stated.

Pope Benedict had received the UN Secretary-General in Rome and subsequently visited the UN head offices in New York City in 2008.

Listen Ban Ki-Moon’s remarks to Vatican Radio correspondent Gordon Martin in Geneva: RealAudioMP3

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