2013-02-09 20:25:38

International Congress on "New evangelization and family"

February 09, 2013: An International Congress on "New evangelization and family" will be held from 11-15 February in the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, revealed a Vatican communique on Saturday. The theme of the Congress was suggested by the recent Synod on the New Evangelization, and by the Year of Faith proclaimed by Benedict XVI, who has recently pointed out the relationship between the difficulty of finding the part of the faith, by the eclipse of God and the crisis of the family, the communique noted.
The family thus appears as the way and also as a resource of the Church to meet the challenge of the new evangelization, as the same Pope recalled homily opening of the Synod: "Marriage, constitutes in itself a Gospel, the Good News to the today's world, in particular for the de-Christianized world. The union of man and woman, they become "one flesh" in love, in love fruitful and indissoluble, is a sign that speaks of God with power, with an eloquence which today has become greater because Unfortunately, for various reasons, marriage, particularly in regions traditionally Christian, is going through a deep crisis.

The Congress will be introduced, from 11 to 13 February, by Visiting Professors of the Institute, coordinated by Prof. Juan José PEREZ-SOBA, Pontifical John Paul II Institute.
International Congress from 14 to15 February 2013 will have topics such as ‘Experience of the Family and the Presence of God’, Gospel of Family: the Family as Good News, ‘Gospel that Heals the Family’s Wounds’, and ‘For a Society of Families’.

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