2013-01-08 17:32:03

United States in "partnership" with the Holy See

Pope Benedict XVI on Monday gave his annual address to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See. During his remarks, he renewed his appeal for a ceasefire in Syria, calling for the beginning of a constructive dialogue aimed at ending the conflict. The Pope said civil and political authorities around the world have a grave responsibility to work for peace. One of the diplomats attending the speech was the Chargé d'affaires of the US Embassy to the Holy See, Deputy Chief of Mission Mario Mesquita.

He told Vatican Radio the United States wants to work with the Holy See.

“Certainly, part of that is our diplomatic efforts, in finding common ground, finding areas where we have similar common interests, and where, in a partnership, we feel we can be effective and that we can move forward on these…fundamental rights of human dignity that the Holy See and the Holy Father stand so much for, and that the United States does as well,” he said.

He said Syria is one of those areas of common ground.

“If you look at a place like Syria, I think that we both noted with much concern the increase in violence and the increase in brutality of that conflict, and I think that is one of the many places we can work together in the near term to help enhance human rights, human dignity, and bring peaceful solutions to world conflict.”

Listen to the interview by Charles Collins with Mario Mesquita: RealAudioMP3

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