2012-11-30 15:51:01

Why Poverty? Roundtable on the Church's role

(Vatican Radio) What do we understand by poverty? Is it just living on less than $1 or $2 a day? Or does it take more than money to guarantee that men, women and children can live in dignity and develop their full human potential? Above all, what is the specific contribution the Church can bring to the fight against poverty and how can it be increasingly effective in promoting its vision of a more just and equitable world?
To find some answers to those questions, Vatican Radio’s Philippa Hitchen hosted a roundtable discussion with Britain’s ambassador to the Holy See, Nigel Baker, Sr Toni Harris, justice and peace promoter for the Domincan Sisters International and Fr Gearoid Francisco O’Conaire, executive secretary for the Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation office for men and women religious here in Rome. During the discussion, you can also hear from the President of the Pontifical Justice and Peace Council, Cardinal Peter Turkson, Irish rock star and activist Bono and from Pope Benedict XVI…….

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