2012-11-30 18:41:08

First round of Colombian peace talks ends

(Vatican Radio) The Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia have concluded round one of their peace talks in Cuba. James Blears assesses what's happened and what might happen next. Listen: RealAudioMP3

The principal Colombian Government Negotiator Humberto De La Calle, didn't varnish the picture or paint it in a rosy political hue. He flatly declared that the talks were going as expected. The main aim is to remove the armed capacity of the FARC, convincing them to talk rather than shoot.

The FARC want a land settlement for peasants, who've often been carved out by the rich. For the stable and enduring peace that De La Calle is calling for, there will have to major concessions from both sides. Not easy for the Government which has been let down several times before, and is determined to maintain a hard line, including refusing a ceasfire. But the FARC has already declared one until January 20th.

Both sides are calling for a two day Public Forum starting on December 17th, and a website will be established to take on board suggestions. Whether these will be acted upon or just reinforce what's already on the table, is anyone’s' guess.

Round two of the talks starts Wednesday.

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